Oil isn’t a commodity; it’s an ingredient.
Treat it as such.
Good Food, Batch After Batch.
Fresh, high-quality oil leads to fresh, high-quality food. It’s a simple equation. And offering good food, batch after batch, cultivates customer loyalty, positive word of mouth, and brand growth.
Our complete system tackles oil quality on multiple fronts.
The EZ Oil™ system uses better boxed oil, shipped airtight at the peak of freshness. While the oil for a typical bulk tank is already degrading upon delivery, boxed oil is like-new fresh the moment the seal is broken to fill your fryer.
By incrementally replacing the small amounts of oil absorbed by food during the cooking process, oil stays fresher longer.
TPM (total polar material) is what degrades cooking oil. It’s the amount of “stuff” floating in the oil. Our filtration keeps oil cleaner so it lasts longer – and tastes better longer.
Via Kitchen Controller™ and M3 Smart Oil Management®, you’ll always know your oil quality and what to do to preserve it.