Used cooking oil storage moves out of the kitchen

It’s a common misconception that used cooking oil (UCO) tanks must be positioned in the kitchen near the fryer. Not so. In fact, tanks can be positioned virtually anywhere, including outside. To further protect waterways and the broader environment, Frontline International, a leader in cooking oil management solutions, manufactures outdoor double wall containment tanks perfect for safely and securely storing UCO outside until it can be collected by a recycler.
Frontline’s double wall tanks, available in 160-gallon and 315-gallon capacities, have secondary containment (bundling) built-in to the tank with 115% secondary containment. This “tank within a tank” construction has a heavy-gauge stainless steel exterior and is insulated to withstand extreme temperatures.
The UL 142 standard for storing above-ground flammable liquids requires UCO tanks with double wall conmtainment. In addition, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) provides safeguards to reduce the hazards associated with the storage, handling, and use of flammable and combustible liquids. Exceeding the standard, Frontline International’s waste oil tanks with double wall containment are compliant with NFPA 30. Frontline’s double wall tanks also come with exclusive electronic locking mechanisms to discourage theft. They can only be opened remotely by the operator, or the code can be provided to an authorized UCO recycler.
When an outdoor double wall containment is paired with Frontline’s patented Direct Plumb® system, UCO is piped directly from the fryer vat to the outdoor tank via the UCO trunk line. Tanks are also compatible with pump station and mobile caddy options. Employees never have to come in contact with oil, helping to create a safer work environment with fewer burns and slip and fall accidents.
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